Q: What material do you use?

A: There are a variety of materials that the t-shirts consist of. They are all secondhand so  each one may have a different blend of material.


Q: Are these t-shirts clean?

A: Yes. I wash them after I buy them, before I sew them. I still recommend that you wash the shirts after receiving them from my shop.  


Q: Which laundry detergent do you use?

A: I use Tide. The specific type may change, but I usually use Tide Sport with Fabreeze. 


 Q: Do you agree with the political topics, references, etc on the shirts?

A: I do not necessarily agree with images and/or texts on shirts that I sell. They are merely secondhand shirts, I will continue to use any shirt I can to keep them out of landfills!


Q: Why are some shirts more expensive than others?

A: Some shirts are brands that are well known, others are amazing graphic t-shirts, and the remaining shirts are used local shirts for things like baseball teams or volunteer work.